Title I Program at YCMS
York Chester Middle School is a Title I school as designated by the Federal Government. If you would like more information about the Title I program, please click this link.
Please see the documents listed below to see the Bessemer City Middle School Parent Involvement Policy and the minutes from the Title I Annual Meeting.
Also below under Title I Links, you will find information regarding the Gaston County Schools Parent Involvement Policy and the Gaston County Schools Title I Department. There is also a link for the NC Parent Information and Resource Center. All very good information about the Title I program.
Title I Documents
- Title1 Spanish YCMS Parent Engagement Policy 2020-21
- Comprehensive Needs Assessments
- York Chester Middle Title I Cover Letter 2020-2021
- York Chester Middle NC School Report Card
- York Chester Middle School Report Card (La traducción de la página al español viene pronto.)
- York Chester Middle School Improvement Plan 2021-2022
- York Chester Middle School 2021-2022 Title 1 Plan
- York Chester Middle Title I Annual Meeting 2021-2022
- York Chester Parent and Family Engagement Plan
- York Chester Parent and Family Engagement Policy
York Chester School Improvement Plan
Please use the login below to access the School Improvement Plan for York Chester Middle.
Login: GuestS15372
Password: GuestS15372
Address to access INDISTAR:
GCS Title I Documents
- 2024-2025 District Assessment Calendar
- Title I Program Comparability of Services
- Gaston County Schools Parent Involvement Policy
- Gaston County Schools Parent Involvement Policy - Spanish
- GCS Title I Department Website
- NC School Report Cards
- National PIRC Coordination Center
- North Carolina Parent Information and Resource Center
- Title I Parents Right to Know
- Declaración de los Derechos a Saber del Padre de Title I