Phone: (704) 862-5895


Degrees and Certifications:


Tonya Bowen

Hello, my name is Tonya Bowen and I am the school nurse at Sadler Elementary.  I am here for your child’s needs and your concerns. If you have a child with allergies, special diet needs, illnesses that may require medication or special circumstances, please feel free to reach out to me. I am here to help. I can also help direct you in getting your child’s immunizations and health assessments.

I'm also here for my teachers and Sadler family. If you have any concerns or needs for your students, please feel free to reach out to me.

Below are a few links that may help you with forms you may need and a link just for teachers and staff if you have a request for a student.

GCS Health & Immunization Info

GCS Medication Form

For Staff Only - Nurse Request