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‘Nickels for Neighbors’ sets $25,000 fundraising goal
During previous 'Nickels for Neighbors' campaigns, schools not only collected money, but incorporated the counting of money into a math lesson.
Schools collecting change for ‘Nickels for Neighbors’ fundraiser to help students in Mitchell
County affected by Hurricane Helene
Students in Gaston County Schools are collecting nickels (pennies, dimes, quarters, and dollars, too) to raise money for people affected by Hurricane Helene. Through the school district’s “Nickels for Neighbors” campaign, the goal is to donate $25,000 (the equivalent of 500,000 nickels) to Mitchell County Schools.
December 3-4 are designated as collection days for all 56 schools, and students and staff are encouraged to bring in spare change to support the fundraising effort. Any amount – big or small – is welcome, according to Dr. Rebecca Huffstetler, principal of East Gaston High School and chairman of the Principals Leadership Team, which is spearheading the effort.
The money will be donated to support students in the Class of 2025 at Mitchell High School and Mayland Early College High School in Mitchell County, an area that was hard-hit by the hurricane. The idea is to aid students with the purchase of caps and gowns, yearbooks, and other items and support graduation-related activities to ensure their senior year is as enjoyable as possible, given the circumstances that many families have faced since the storm caused widespread damage in September across western North Carolina.
In organizing the “Nickels for Neighbors” effort, Huffstetler enlisted the help of high school students on the Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council, and she says enthusiasm for the student-led fundraising campaign has taken off.
“It has been amazing to see how the Student Advisory Council has embraced ‘Nickels for Neighbors’ and set a goal of raising $25,000 for the Class of 2025 in Mitchell County Schools,” said Huffstetler. “Gaston County Schools is known for its spirit of caring and giving, and the students’ work on this project definitely shows that they care and they want to give what they can to help.”
In addition to raising money, Huffstetler hopes the “Nickels for Neighbors” campaign leads to students in Gaston County Schools connecting with students in Mitchell County Schools. “Our students want to be a part of the Mitchell County students’ senior year. Raising money to help people in need and making new friends in the process – it shows how something good can come from a devastating situation.”
This is the fourth time that Gaston County Schools has implemented the “Nickels for Neighbors” campaign. It began in 2015 when a flood devastated portions of South Carolina. More than $25,000 was raised then and donated to the school districts in Clarendon and Williamsburg counties. The next year, more than $21,000 was donated to four school districts in eastern North Carolina – Robeson, Edgecombe, Lenoir, and Wayne counties – that were affected by Hurricane Matthew. In 2018, the school districts in Craven, Jones, Onslow, and Pender counties shared more than $17,000 after Hurricane Florence hit the coastal region.
Students and staff are encouraged to make their donation to the “Nickels for Neighbors” campaign on December 3-4 (the collection day for some schools may vary). Parents wishing to donate should contact the school office for information.
The Class of 2025 at Mitchell High School.