- Grier Middle School
- About the Media Specialist

Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Faith Huff
I'm thrilled to be the librarian at Grier Middle School! I have been in education for 19 years. I began my career as a middle school ELA and SS teacher and have been a school librarian since 2016.
Maiden High School (2001)
University of North Carolina at Greensboro - BS Middle Grades Education (2005)
Elon University - M.Ed Gifted Education K-12 (2009)
University of North Carolina at Greensboro - Master of Library and Information Science (2019) and Instructional Technology Licensure Add-On (2022)
Hobbies: Hanging out with my 2-year-old niece, reading, knitting, anything Disney, scrolling TikTok with an open book in my lap that I should be reading, buying cups and mugs, listening to Taylor Swift, eating Nerds Gummy Clusters as if I'm never going to see another Nerds Gummy Cluster again, eating Little Debbie Christmas Trees or being sad there are no more Little Debbie Christmas Trees to eat.