Graduation Requirements

  • NC Course of Study Requirements:

    Students must follow the Future Ready Course of Study to receive a NC high school diploma. Students with specific disabilities and an Individual Education Plan (IEP) follow the Occupational Course of Study.

    Information regarding specific courses offered at Stuart W. Cramer High School, course descriptions, and requirements can be found in the Gaston County Schools Curriculum Guide 2019-20.

    Gaston County Schools Curriculum Guide

    Gaston County high school grades are as follows:

    A = 100-90

    B = 89-80

    C = 79-70

    D = 69-60

    F = 59 and under

    Gaston County high school grading will be based on:

    Tests/Major Projects - 60%

    Daily/Class Grades - 20%

    Homework - 20%

    Promotion and Graduation Requirements

    To be a Sophomore: 6 units

    To be a Junior: 13 units

    To be a Senior: 20 units

    To Graduate: 28 units, completion of Course of Study, & EOC testing requirements