Watch this slideshow to learn more about Highland!

  • Open House Information

    Parents and students are encouraged to attend one of our Open Houses. Visit our world-class pathway labs, and speak to current students and staff. Be amazed by the Highland educational experience.

    Open House dates are January 23rd and February 20th from 5:30-7:00 pm.

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  • Lottery Application Information

    To attend Highland, students must be chosen through a random lottery that occurs each year in the spring. Being selected during the lottery places the student on a conditional acceptance and waitlist. The student must meet the criteria for their 8th grade year for final acceptance to attend Highland.

    To apply for Highland School of Technology, please use the Gaston County School Choice Application, and select Highland. 

    Application materials will be available through the GCS School Choice Webpage starting in mid-January.  

    Non-Gaston County students must complete and return the Discipline Information Request to Highland School of Technology.




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Neel Patel on Highland

Menaal Shaikh on Highland

Jerome Butler on Highland

VIDEO: National Blue Ribbon Celebration

VIDEO: Vision Screenings at Carr Elementary