Phone: 704-866-6075


Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. in Literature UNC Asheville 1992 Masters in Library Science UNC Greensboro 1994 School Media Certification East Carolina University 2006

Ms. Julie Shatterly

This is my thirteenth year as the media coordinator, librarian, and system operator at W.A. Bess.  Before W.A. Bess, I was an adult reference librarian for Charlotte Mecklenburg Library, Children's Coordinator of the Gaston-Lincoln Regional Library and Children's Room Manager for the York County Public Library in Rock Hill, SC.  I have over twenty years experience as a librarian and I still love books just as much as I did when I was a kid.  I love seeing kids excited about books!
I grew up in Salisbury, North Carolina and graduated from West Rowan High School.  I then earned a B.A. in Literature from UNC Asheville and a Masters in Library Science from UNC Greensboro.  I am also certified in school media from East Carolina University.  I enjoy keeping up with the newest trends in literature, so I have been a volunteer juvenile fiction and young adult fiction book reviewer for School Library Journal for twenty years.
I have been married for twenty-five years and I have a daughter that's at UNCC and a son at NCSU.  In my free time, I like to cook, cross stitch, and, of course, read books!