- W.A. Bess Elementary School
- Arrival/Dismissal
Parents and guardians, we ask for your patience daily during arrival and dismissal times while following the directions of school staff and driving carefully, and paying attention to children as they exit and enter cars and to school staff as they monitor and assist them.
- To keep this process efficient every school day parents must remain in their cars and use our traffic plan to drop off and pick up their child to keep the line moving and staying in a single file.
- During morning arrival, students should be dropped off along the sidewalk area as soon as the car in front comes to a complete stop. To avoid car accidents, the car lines must be kept moving together and stopping together. If parents choose their own place to stop suddenly in line that is currently moving to drop off their child in a preferred location on the sidewalk, rear-end accidents will occur. Students do not need to wait for a teacher to open the door to exit or enter the vehicle.
- For safety reasons, we ask parents not to pass cars during morning drop-off and to wait patiently for the students in the cars in front of yours to unload.
- We ask parents to please do not park in the teacher lot to drop off or pick up your child.
- All faculty and staff are focused on the safe arrival and dismissal of students in the car rider and bus rider lines, along with assisting students to and from their classroom. If you need to speak to a teacher or administrator, we ask that you send an email or call the office and to not use arrival and dismissal times to address your concerns. The party you need to speak with will return your message as soon as possible.
- During arrival and dismissal times we ask for all drivers to be conscious of the crosswalk which is used to assist those entering and exiting the building from the parking lot safely and to follow the directions of the crosswalk monitor.
Please inform grandparents and others picking up your child of these procedures as well. This will keep the traffic pattern moving and conforms to our safety procedures.