Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Laura Axtell
I graduated from UNC-Greensboro receiving a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Development & Family Studies and Sociology, plus a minor in Psychology in 1993. In 1995 I graduated from Appalachian State University receiving a Master of Arts degree in Psychological Counseling. I completed the Certification Program in School Counseling at UNC-Charlotte in 2011. I am a National Certified Counselor (39529) and a Licensed Professional Counselor (2969).
Role as School Counselor
My role as the School Counselor at New Hope Elementary is to promote the academic, career, and social-emotional growth of all students to support them as they reach their full capability. I provide classroom guidance to all students on weekly basis. Individual counseling services are also available to student who refer themselves or are referred by concerned caregivers or staff. Crisis intervention and short-term brief therapy are the typical theories using problem-focused and goal-directed strategies. I also run small groups on an as needed basis for children that have a similar theme, such as grief, anxiety, divorce, ADHD, or depression.