Register for kindergarten and pre-kindergarten in Gaston County Schools
It’s time to register for kindergarten and pre-kindergarten in Gaston County Schools! Parents are encouraged to register their child now rather than waiting until school starts in August; doing so helps the elementary schools to better prepare for the new academic year.
■ Kindergarten Registration
Parents/guardians who are interested in kindergarten registration may complete the process online at www.gaston.k12.nc.us/kindergartenregistration or in person at the Gaston County Schools Student Assignment Office, which is located at the former Forest Heights Elementary School, #1 Learning Place, Gastonia. The Student Assignment Office is open Monday through Thursday from 7:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. (closed on Friday through July 26 while Gaston County Schools follows its summer work schedule).To register for kindergarten, a child must be five years old on or before August 31, 2024.
Parents/guardians must provide the following to register:
- Birth certificate or proof of parentage;
- Valid ID of parent/guardian registering the child;
- Two proofs of residence (such as power, water, gas, cable, or landline telephone bills, lease, or mortgage);
- Up-to-date immunization/shot record; and
- Health assessment (check-up) completed on or after August 14, 2023 by a certified health care professional.
■ Pre-Kindergarten Registration
Gaston County Schools also is accepting applications for pre-kindergarten. Parents may register online (www.gaston.k12.nc.us/prekindergarten) or by visiting the Gaston County Schools Pre-Kindergarten Services Office, which is located at the former Forest Heights Elementary School, #1 Learning Place, Gastonia. The Pre-Kindergarten Services Office is open Monday through Thursday from 7:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. (closed on Friday through July 26 while Gaston County Schools follows its summer work schedule).To register for pre-kindergarten, a child must be four years old on or before August 31, 2024. Parents must provide the same information listed above for kindergarten registration and also provide proof of income for the parent/guardian living in the home with the child (a recent check stub is preferred).
Pre-kindergarten is offered at various school and community locations across Gaston County. Parents are reminded that registering a child for pre-kindergarten does not guarantee that the child will be placed in the program. The district has limited space for pre-kindergarten at each location.
Parents who have questions or need additional information about kindergarten registration may call the Student Assignment Office, (704) 810-7284. For pre-kindergarten information, parents may call the Pre-Kindergarten Services Office, (704) 866-6124.