Recruitment and Selection of Personnel

  • Compensation

    Individuals who wish to be considered for Licensed or Classified positions are required to complete an online application.
    Candidates for employment will be selected based upon their likely ability to fulfill duties identified in the job description as well as performance standards established by the board. In making the determination, the following information will be considered:
    • application;
    • education and training; 
    • licensure and certification (when applicable); 
    • relevant experience; 
    • personal interviews; 
    • references and/or background checks; and 
    • job related testing

    Qualifications and suitability for the job being equal, personnel within the district will be given priority.

    A criminal records check and a drug test will be conducted of all final candidates for licensed positions and classified positions. A positive drug test will preclude a candidate from employment. Criminal records checks will be conducted in accordance with state law and any procedures established by the Superintendent or his designee.