Why Establish Grading Guidelines?

  • Gaston County Schools has established countywide Grading Practices/Guidelines for grades 3-12 to ensure that students are given sufficient opportunities to demonstrate their comprehension of a subject or course.

    In the past, GCS like many other districts in the state, had no countywide grading guidelines or practices that outlined how much a quiz, homework or a major test (six weeks test) would count. Nor did the district have guidelines for the minimum number of tests that must be given in a course. Therefore, it was left to each school or the classroom teacher to decide whether to give one or six tests and the value of a test as compared to homework, class work or a special project assignment.

    The guidelines provide standard grading practices for GCS elementary, middle and senior high schools. Furthermore, the grading practices ensure that all students are given ample opportunity to show evidence of their skills or mastery of a subject – and that a student has learned the basic skills and knowledge for a given subject.

    The guidelines also explain grading expectations, homework and the grading scale or what percent constitutes an A, B, C, etc. for students in elementary (grades 3-5), middle and senior high school.

    The Grading Practices/Guidelines are aligned with the State Standard Course of Study which means it (the guidelines) will help teachers ensure that students are ready for the state tests administered each year.

    Grading Expectations
    Elementary, middle and senior high grades reflect student performance on the various subjects (such as English, math, etc.) at each grade level in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Student grades are based on tests, quizzes, projects, assignments, homework, performances, etc. with different percentages. Grades for assignments are based on the importance and time spent on the activity.