When Not To Keep A Secret

  • There are some secrets that just shouldn't be kept.
    EVEN if your friend or family member makes you promise not to tell anyone.
    WHEN should you not keep a secret?
    ANSWER: Any time that someone is or could be in danger of being hurt, or when someone is potentially a danger to hurt someone else.

    To the right are some resources for topics that involve people potentially being hurt. You can always contact your school counselor, school social worker, school nurse, or school administrator, but if for any reason that is not an option for you, please use the resources found to the right.
    Don't have a lifetime of regret because you kept a secret that shouldn't have been kept. You can make a difference. Reach out. Get help from a professional or from someone you trust. You can do it!

Behavior Health Crisis

  • If you or someone you know is experiencing a behavioral health crisis, call Partners' Customer Service Department at 1-888-235-HOPE (4673). Staff is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A licensed therapist asks you a series of standard questions to assess the level of need and determines the best care available. The staff are able to schedule an appointment with one of the many contracted providers in the Partners network.

    Pregnant women who are abusing substances and anyone injecting drugs receive priority scheduling. If you fit these criteria, Partners helps you find an appointment as soon as possible.

    Once you are receiving services, your provider is your "First Responder" and gives you contact information so you can reach them at any time in the event of a crisis. Your provider works with you to develop a crisis plan that is unique to you. The plan outlines what you and your family and friends are to do if a behavioral health crisis occurs in the future.


  • If you know or suspect that a child or adult is being neglected, contact your local Department of Social Services:
    Gaston County, 704-862-7500
    Lincoln County, 704-732-0738
    Cleveland County, 704-487-0661

    Child Neglect - Information about the prevention of child neglect and abuse.
    Elder Neglect - Focuses on protecting the safety, security, and dignity of America’s elderly citizens.