• Gaston Early College High School

  • Gaston Early College High School  Gaston Early College High School

About Gaston Early College High School

  • The Early College is an innovative magnet school partnership with Gaston College that offers rigorous academics, state-of-the-art technology, small classes that foster group discussion and interaction, enriching activities, and much more.

    Students have an opportunity to earn a high school diploma and earn, at no cost, two years of 100% transferable college credit in the form of an associate in arts, associate in science, and/or associate in engineering degree. This can be done in a four or five year period, based on each student's choice.  

    Without question, the Early College is a unique high school experience for students as they go to school on the Gaston College campus in Dallas and learn what it is like to be in a college environment.

    Students who will be in the ninth grade for the 2025-2026 school year may apply for this program.  A lottery process will be used to determine the students who will attend the Early College.

    You can learn more about Gaston Early College High School by reviewing the resources on this webpage. 

    Gaston Early College High School

VIDEO: Gaston Early College High School

  • The 2025-2026 school choice application window is from January 15 to March 21, 2025. 

  • Apply Now!